January Message from President Medcalf

Dear IAF Community,
As my term as president of the Integration Association of Florida comes to an end, I find myself reflecting on the incredible journey we've shared over the past year. It has been an honor and a privilege to serve as your president, and I am filled with gratitude for the trust and support you have shown me.
Together, we have achieved remarkable milestones, faced challenges head-on, and built a stronger, more vibrant association. I am proud of our accomplishments including:
  • Evolution of AAF to IAF
    • One of our biggest accomplishments in 2023 was the work the Market Evaluation Task Force did to provide the recommendation to our Executive Committee to rebrand AAF to the Integration Association of Florida (IAF)
    • Our Board of Directors approved the change in August, followed by Membership approval in November and approval of our updated bylaws in December
    • We are very excited about the path forward as IAF as we embark on our #IAmIAF campaign
  • Operations
    • Launched our New AMS/LMS, Websites, App, Integrated QB, that required significant database work
  • Membership
    • 100+ New Members Added in 2023; 42% growth in 1 year!!
    • Committees are dedicated countless hours to create real value for members
    • Engaged 2 New Regions (South & Gold Coast) & held Spring & Fall Meetings in all 7 Regions
    • Launched our Member Success Center on our new website with tons of resources
  • Training
    • Launched a Successful Webinar Series
    • Recruited 3 Additional Instructors to Get into the Rotation in 2024
    • New AMS enables Certification/Badge Management across businesses
    • 4 New Courses are in development; Existing Courses are getting updated
  • 2023 Convention was a Huge Success
    • 60 Exhibitors/Sponsors and 200+ Attendees
      • NPS Score of 100!!!
    • 3 General Sessions; 4 Additional Education Sessions
    • AAF Honors Evening was Born!
  • Finance
    • Exceeded 2023 Revenue Budget
    • Gross Profit Increased of 34% over 2022; while expenses only grew 12%; Resulting in a 180% increase in Net Income (loss in 2022 to a gain in 2023); and replenished reserves!
  • Legislative
    • Monitored dozens of bills, some we offered support for, and most importantly we were successful in stopping the Interstate Mobility Bill from Passing
    • Danny Harrod our Legislative Committee Chair conducted dozens of trainings with AHJs and contractors on SB 1140 throughout the state
  • Marketing
    • Grew our email universe from less than 1K contacts to over 8K
    • LinkedIn: 1,200+ Followers (500+ new within the last year)
    • Developed the IAF Media Kit, Regular & Associate Membership Brochures
  • Programs
    • Workforce Development efforts have resulted in stronger partnerships with PBSC, a new program at FSC JAX, OTC, Building Talent Foundation along with apprenticeship partnerships for the state
    • Renewed Business Partnerships & Member Savings Program—Are You Taking Advantage?
  • AAF Cares
    • Stuffed 200+ Backpacks, Donated to Charities, Sent Care Packages, & Conducted Hurricane Outreach to Impacted Members
The dedication and passion of those that serve on our Board of Directors, committees, and our members have been the driving force behind our success, and I am immensely proud to have been part of such a dynamic and forward-thinking community.
I want to express my deepest appreciation to each and every one of you for your commitment, hard work, and enthusiasm. Our accomplishments are a testament to the collective effort of this exceptional group of individuals.
As I pass the torch to Marvin Smith, our incoming president, I am confident that IAF will continue to thrive and reach new heights. Change is a constant in life, and it is through transitions like these that we find opportunities for growth and renewal.
Marvin is excited for what the new year brings, and he will cover our 2024 goals in the next issue of The Handshake!
Thank you for allowing me to serve as your president. It has been a privilege to work alongside such dedicated and talented individuals. I look forward to continuing to serve on our Executive Committee as Immediate Past President and contributing to the continued success of IAF!
Grady Medcalf
IAF President